Nutritional Counselling

Nutritional Counselling with Debora Sloan

A picture of personal trainer Deb Sloan smiling

Debora is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer, and Crossfit Level 1 Certified Coach. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Western Ontario and her clinical internship at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto.

Living with Type 1 Diabetes since the age of 12, and a recent diagnosis of celiac disease, healthy living and nutrition management are part of her daily life. This, combined with her own athletic ventures, continue to heighten her interest in nutrition as fuel for optimal health, and peak performance.

Debora has experience with the management and prevention of nutrition related diseases, with an expertise in sport nutrition, diabetes and exercise, metabolic disorders, and weight management. Her fitness experience ranges from Crossfit, athletic conditioning, boxing, weight lifting and functional fitness. She has worked with higher level athletes, seniors and new moms, always focusing on building strength, injury prevention, and having fun! Through multiple modalities Deb programs exciting workouts that help you to build confidence in movement, push hard, while maintaining good form at your current level of fitness.

Debora counsels clients of all ages and stages by developing customized nutrition and fitness programs. Her food first, evidence-based approach to health and fitness is finding individualized solutions for every client —  ones that are easy, affordable, balanced, sustainable and evidence-based.

As a certified fitness and nutrition professional, an athlete, and a busy mom of two, Deb understands first-hand the many challenges involved in balancing life, healthy living, and proper fuelling. She practices what she preaches and sets out to motivate her clients to find their healthy solutions.

Debora Sloan, BA, BSC, RD, CPT


Assessment (75 min)
Follow up (60 min)
Follow up (45 min)
Check-in (30 min)
Couples sessions

Contact Carla Gencher to book an appointment (613) 798-9818 ext. 278,