New Online Registration: SmartRec

August 4

You will soon receive an email letting you know that your information has been entered into our new system. At that time, please click on the link contained in the email, log in to your account and enter your credit card and banking information into your “wallet” to automate future payments to your membership.

How to enter your Credit Card details: 

  • After logging in to your SmartRec account, click the Wallet tab to add and manage payment information
  • Choose a payment method to add and enter the information. Don’t forget to save!
  • Once your payment method has been saved, select the payment method and click the Authorizations field to grant the Soloway JCC permission to use this card for the payment of your membership.

You can also download the Amilia app (iPhoneAndroid) for keeping track of classes you are registered for, and the Open Path app (iPhoneAndroid) for ease of access to our facility. After August 8, you will no longer swipe your membership card but instead will scan a QR Code in the Open Path app to gain access to the SJCC.

There may be a few challenges along the way while we transition to this new system. Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated.

If you have questions, please stop by the front desk. We are excited about this change, and we know you will be too!

July 28

We are happy to announce that we are changing our registration software to SmartRec (Amilia) starting on August 8, 2023.  

SmartRec will make browsing through all our activities, programs, and membership easy. Registration and payment will all be done through the platform with a few clicks. 

We have taken steps to ensure a smooth transition for you by: 

  • Importing your account as well as all your family members over to Amilia.  
  • You will be in the membership that you have already purchased so you don’t have to re-do the process. 

In the next couple of weeks you will receive an email letting you know that your information has been entered into our new system. At that time, please click on the link contained in the email, log in to your account and enter your credit card or banking information into your “wallet” to automate future payments to your membership. 

Please stop by the front desk if you have any questions.  

We appreciate your patience while we go through this transition. 

July 26

We are happy to announce that we have begun the transition to a new registration system. In the next couple of weeks, you will receive an email letting you know about the next steps.  

There may be a few challenges while we transition to this new system and we will be here to assist you every step of the way.

If you have questions, please stop by the front desk. We are excited about this change, and we know you will be too! We are confident that you will find this new system easier to use.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.