Setting Up Open Path Access
- Download OpenPath mobile access from Play Store (ANDROID) or App Store (iPHONE)
- Open the app and enter your email address in the indicated field when prompted.
- If Step 2 does not work please contact SJCC Front Desk
- Check your email to find a message from AVIGILON ALTA.
- Open the email, scroll to Set Up Phone and click the link.
- Follow prompts, ensuring that Bluetooth Access is set to ALLOW, Location is set to ALWAYS, and the phone is set to Not Optimize Battery for the app.
Contact the SJCC Front Desk with any questions.
Open Path Usage
- If the above steps have been followed when approaching the door, locate the black panel to the left of each door
- Hover your hand approximately 1cm in front of the reader (must be done for both doors)
- When a spinning circle appears you may retract your hand.
- You will hear an audible beep sound followed by a click if the app was successful.
- If not, ring doorbell
- The right-side door will unlock.
- Pull the handle and proceed